Air source heat pumps in South London
Heat pumps have become a talking point for people who are looking at cost-efficient, greener heating systems and the impact they have on our energy bills and the environment. At South London Heating, we’re always here to help you achieve the best and most cost-efficient heating system for your home’s comfort, your finances, and the environment. An air source heat pump in South London could be that solution.
To find out more, call us on 0203 620 5800.

Introduce green energy to your home
Our team can help you make your home greener and more energy efficient, while prioritising the environment. We’d love to discuss the best solution for your property.

What is an air source heat pump?
That’s a good question, and one that is easier to answer than you may think! A heat pump, much like a fridge in reverse, takes heat from the air around us and transfers it into the system used to heat our homes. It can even manage this when the temperature outside is very low. Heat pumps use refrigerant gases to create the comfortable inside temperatures that buildings require. They provide ‘trickle heat’. This means that, rather than getting hot very quickly, a heat pump provides lower and slower heat that builds up the temperature. This creates a consistent, comfortable warmth within your home.
Air source heat pump installation: the requirements
An air source heat pump is quite economical and efficient to run. However, there are pre-requisites to be met. How your home is built can have a big impact on how well a heat pump can heat it. If you can say yes to one or more of the below, then an air source heat pump could be a good option for your South London, Kent, or Surrey home:
- Modern double glazing
- High levels of wall, floor, and roof insulation
- Underfloor heating installed
- Space for larger radiators
- Space for additional equipment
Here at South London Heating, we work with leading heat pump manufacturers, and we have access to a range of premium heat pumps. This lets us install an energy efficient heating solution for your home that works for you, your lifestyle, and budget. Not sure if your home is right for a heat pump? Or could it be that a hybrid heat pump system would work better for your home? We’re here to help and give you the best advice: book a free consultation so we can talk about the best options for your home.

Hybrid heat pump systems: The available options
The future of heating is more than just heat pumps. Many homeowners enjoy the reliability and speed that a modern boiler gives, but still want to make improvements to their system to make it more energy efficient and reduce their bills. This is where a hybrid heating system can be the perfect option for your property, offering the best of both worlds when it comes to a more sustainable way of heating your home.
Hybrid heating is similar to a hybrid car – multiple methods work in tandem. At its core, the boiler within the house takes care of all the extra high demands on heating and hot water, while the integrated air source heat pump in your South London, Kent or Surrey home is the reliable source for constant, day-to-day needs. Hybrid systems work well in homes that don’t quite meet the standards of a heat pump and aren’t ready to move away from the technology that we have all become accustomed to.

Book your central heating consultation
To get started with the installation of your air source heat pump in Kent, Surrey, or South London, get in touch with our expert green heating engineers. Call 0203 620 5800, WhatsApp +44 7880 527 500 or email

How much does a heat pump cost?
Understandably, this is one of the biggest questions when choosing a new heating system. It’s difficult to give an exact price, as it depends on the home and its infrastructure, but it can range from around £8k up to £20k for a large, complex installation. For a hybrid heat pump installation that is added to a current boiler, the installation costs are around half the price of a full heat pump installation. In comparison, a new boiler installation using a hydrogen-blend ready boiler is usually around £3k.
What are the benefits of air source heat pumps?
Air source heat pumps can significantly reduce the use of fossil fuels in South London, Surrey, and Kent homes, which can only be a good thing. In the longer term, as the UK power network improves and moves towards renewable sources, the cost of electricity is expected to be less than gas. Therefore, the savings due to air source heat pumps will become more evident.

Book your free air source heat pump consultation
South London Heating are certified air source heat pump installers in South London. Contact us to arrange a consultation visit with one of our expert engineers for the best bespoke advice for your home.